I would have loved to see what would have happened had a game of this caliber shown up earlier in the system's lifespan. It's almost sad that this is almost certainly the last title of this magnitude from Nintendo for the console. Unequivocally, yes! Skyward Sword is an experience unlike anything to grace the Wii before it. However, is it the game that will show the world what the Wii was meant to be, and that this is the Zelda game we were promised with Twilight Princess? Undoubtedly The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword will sell and resell Wiis. Then again, it's a brand new Zelda title, and if there is anything in the world that can sell a system, it is a Zelda title. I even had my doubts about the raw power of Skyward Sword over jaded "hardcore" gamers. A month or two ago, if you had asked me if the Wii was dead in the water, I would have said "absolutely." Sure, the Wii still has titles that are solid in experience and execution, but there's nothing new coming out that would scream at consumers to go out and buy the console this close to the end of its lifespan.